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Evolve Incredible Mass

Regular price $79.95
Regular price Sale price $79.95
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Banana Paddlepop
Banana Paddlepop
Caramel Swirl
Choc Fudge
Vanilla Ice Cream


An incredible way to refuel your muscles post high intensity work outs - Incredible Mass by Evolve Nutrition! This high energy, nutrient dense mass gain formula is perfect for those who need to refuel fast. Using a blend of Whey Protein Concentrate, WPI and Micellar Casein as it's protein source gives Incredible Whey a rounded blend of slow and fast absorbing protein whilst natural sweet potato, low-allergy rice and maltodextrin are added as your carbohydrate sources.

Promilin Fenugreek Extract has been added to boost the uptake of nutrients and MCT oils are packed in as well as your healthy fats, making this easily one of the best all rounded mass gainers we've seen yet!

But not only that, Creatine Monohydrate can be found in this formula to help boost those extra reps out! Creatine is one of the most highly studied and researched aminos in the world and has been proven to enhance training sessions by increasing your ATP stores of energy.

Incredible Mass is perfect for those looking to refuel post heavy training sessions, getting in those those extra calories or assist your muscles with growing faster!

Features & Benefits

  • Slow and fast absorbing protein
  • Sweet potato, low-allergy rice and maltodextrin are added as your carbohydrate sources
  • Packed with healthy fats
  • Increases energy stores for enhanced training sessions
  • Supports muscle growth

How To Take
Mix 150g (4 1⁄2 SCOOPS) with 500ml of water or low fat milk in a shaker or blender and consume immediately.

Take once daily immediately after exercise/training. Serve can be divided and taken as two smaller servings.

Incredible Mass 2kg - Banana Paddlepop
Incredible Mass 2kg - Vanilla Ice Cream
Incredible Mass 2kg - Choc Fudge
Incredible Mass 2kg - Caramel Swirl
Evolve Incredible Mass
Evolve Incredible Mass
Evolve Incredible Mass
Evolve Incredible Mass
Evolve Incredible Mass - Chocolate Fudge NIP
Evolve Incredible Mass - Vanilla Ice Cream NIP
Evolve Incredible Mass - Caramel Swirl NIP