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Switch Nutrition Protein Switch

Regular price $74.95
Regular price Sale price $74.95
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10 Serve
10 Serve
25 Serve
30 Serve
Choc Mint
Choc Mint
Chocolate Sea Salt
Peanut Butter Toffee
Vanilla Bean
Salted Caramel


Protein Switch by Switch Nutrition is a carefully selected blend of sprouted organic plant based proteins chosen to provide the best amino acid profile, whilst also being highly absorbable and taste great! The team at Switch Nutrition formulated this smooth and creamy plant protein from organic sprouted pumpkin seed and sprouted watermelon seed to ensure the consistency was smooth, and not gritty (like many other vegan proteins).

The inclusion of sprouted hemp seed protein provides a complete source of highly digestible protein in the form of edestin and albumin, whilst also supplying a great source of fibre. Organic sprouted pea protein and wild crafted algae protein has balanced the amino acid profile perfectly and added protein diversity to help support human health.

Features & Benefits

  • 100% plant based with no artificial additives whatsoever
  • Blend of Hemp Seed protein, Sprouted Watermelon Seed and Organic Sprouted Pumpkin Seed
  • Incredible source of fibre and amino acids
  • May aid in recovery post workout
  • Increase protein intake for Vegans or Vegetarians

How To Take

Mix 1 scoop with 300-450ml of cold water, almond or coconut milk and shake until mixed. 

Switch Protein - Peanut Butter Truffle
Switch Nutrition Protein Switch
Switch Protein - Salted Caramel
Switch Protein - Vanilla Bean
Switch Nutrition Protein Switch nip